The defeat of joints is articular arthrosis suffering happens for a variety of reasons, but the consequences of the disease have a significant negative impact on the activity of man. If we consider osteoarthritis of the knee joint, it should be noted, that the disease belongs to the most common of all types of arthritis. The ratio of identified diagnoses according to gender shows that more often from arthrosis of the knee suffer from the patients of the female sex. World statistics say that about 22% of the population of the Country is sick of gonarthrosis.

What reasons can lead to osteoarthritis of the knee?
To identify the causes of osteoarthritis have requested the permanent survey of patients and studies the clinical images slow down the disease process. Doctors have found that under the influence of certain negative factors is the destruction of the cartilage, it wears and ceases to defend the joint. Arises the friction between the capitals of the joint, which causes pain and inflammation. Thus were established the basic reasons that led to the destruction of the cartilage:
- Of a knee injury. If there is a person at some period of his life there was a fracture of helena dislocation of the knee, is classified into the group of risk, and subsequently may get sick of the articular arthrosis suffer. When damage to the joint, its movement and curative therapy involves its fit. A long stay in the immobility sees to the disruption of blood flow, which contributes to the formation of arthrosis.
- Injury to the meniscus. One of the most dangerous causes. Any damage to this organ of the knee joint, he always sees to the formation of gonarthrosis.
- Heavy physical burden. Especially carefully it is necessary to handle the strenuous physical load on the knee elderly. Strong pressure on the knee joint, which will diminish with age, can cause microtrauma, which does not manifest itself right away, but later sees to the formation of the negative the process of destruction of cartilage. After 40 years you need to weigh, your knees and approach to the sport and hard work reasonably, thereby reducing their number. Renounce these exercises, such as squat helena running around the asphalt.
- The weak structure of the ligaments. As a rule, it sees an abnormal mobility of the joint. It is pleasant in its youth the flexibility of your body at an older age, will affect the position of the knee joint and will lead to the occurrence of gonarthrosis.
- Other diseases of the joints. If a person, for example, is detected arthritis, then over time it can result in arthritis.
- A lot of weight. Extra pounds increase the load on does not exceed your knee, may cause injury to the meniscus. When excess weight situation is getting worse, develops osteoarthritis. If a person with a large mass of present varicose veins, it can develop very severe forms of gonarthrosis.
- Problems with the exchange of substances. Disorders in the metabolism provoke a bad supply of the required elements into the tissue. Cartilage and bone tissue to wipe the calcium, which sees to the destruction and weakening of their patterns.
- Stress and nervous tension. Common concerns and feelings have a negative effect on the state of the joints. In emotional terms, women are more exposed to stress. Especially difficult to tolerate the nervous strain of women whose age is close to 50, when comes the period of menopause.
Function of the degree of gonarthrosis
In medicine used to share osteoarthritis of the knee tailored according to the nature of the development. In addition, according to the volume of the destruction, the disease may be two-way and one-way. One-sided gonarthrosis divided into right and left. More information about the disease from the specialists on this video:
For each degree of the disease compiled by the clinical picture, which shows the seriousness of his development.
The first degree
Reveal arthritis of the knee-1 degree – it is a great happiness for the doctor and the patient. The disease at this stage does not have pronounced clinical symptoms. The disease can be diagnosed at the time of clinical examination of helena in the investigation of another disease.
The second stage

In the symptomatology of arthrosis of the knee 2 degrees, there are new signs of the disease. The severity of the pain syndrome and stiffness in the knee area reinforced. The muscles of the affected site atrophy due to the fact that a person begins to weigh, that the injured limb, the less it loads. Begins deformation of the joint, during which you cannot completely straighten my knee. During palpation of the specialist detects abnormal education. Gradually develops the deformation of the joint. Knee badly unbent.
The third degree
Arthrosis of the knee 3 degree makes itself know constant pain. The deformation reaches a critical mass, at which the limb will cease to roll and stretch, the person becomes difficult to walk, up to complete immobility of the legs. In the absence of proper treatment of the affected joint develops stiffness. Tissue cartilage is completely destroyed, the friction of the joints worse. There is a situation in which when osteoarthritis of the knee, surgery becomes the only effective way of treatment.
The characteristic symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee
To determine the presence of gonarthrosis is able to only a specialist, but for the patient it is important to know the main for osteoarthritis knee joint symptoms. For the disease are typical the following symptoms:
- Painful. Pain in the knees when osteoarthritis will appear immediately. Smaller their manifestations may bother a person in the course of a few years. Then there is the amplification of pain, are not pledged to and in a calm state, necessarily arise after a long walk.
- Crisp.During the 2. and 3 stage clear bugged crunching in the knee.
- Synovitis. The accumulation of fluid affected in the knee joint sees to the formation of edema in the knee in osteoarthritis, which doctors call Baker cyst.
- Deformity of the knee joint.Appear at a later stage of the disease. Accompanies the inflammatory process and swelling.
How is it diagnosed gonarthrosis?
The main diagnostic tool for doctors working in a normal clinic, serving the xray examination of the patient. With the help of x-ray image, the specialist can see the degree of development of the defective process. In addition, the x-ray helps to exclude possible causes of discomfort tumors and other diseases.
In the initial stage of gonarthrosis are manifested weakly, on the image there are no significant changes. Guests settle in the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a repeated study after a certain period of time. In the development of the disease-x-ray shows joint space narrowing, brings the seal in the subchondral area of the joint. It is important to take into account the fact that elderly patients are characteristic changes in the joints, but always these changes lead to the development of pathology. Only the combination of the symptoms of gonarthrosis, visible on the image, and obvious clinical symptoms allow the expert to state the presence of a man of arthrosis of the knee.
Progressive ways to treat the disease
jpg ' class='imgblock right center_mob'>Modern medicine is constantly looking for how to osteoarthritis of the knee effectively treat, and find new ways to fight against dangerous disease. Today patients offered such methods, such as ozone therapy and kinesitherapy.
Ozone therapy – it is the processing of the affected joint ozone. Refers to physiotherapy and allows you to enter the ozonated medication injected into the muscle tissue. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and bezbolevaya, helps to effectively improve blood flow to problem areas. The method has no contraindications.
Kinesitherapy constitutes a complex of special exercises, oriented on improvement of joint mobility, increase blood flow sick in the place, the restoration of tissue of the affected cartilage and the elasticity of the ligaments. For the execution of exercises using special training machines. In the work are included not only the affected joint, but also all systems s. r. o your body, which allows you to keep in the best condition of the body of the patient.
Exercise therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee
Effectiveness of therapeutic physical training in osteoarthritis of the knee joint demonstrated many years of its use and the enthusiastic testimonials of patients through exercise therapy preserved the motor function of the limbs. Of course, the designed exercises should form one of the parts of the comprehensive treatment of the disease. As if you were doing it without drugs and physical therapy, to achieve the full changes for the better impossible. The main principle of exercise therapy: no beyond the load on the damaged joint, just verified and peaceful movements. At home, you can perform a simple exercise, improve blood circulation and help to remove the spasm of the muscles. It is necessary to lie on your back, lift the fixed leg and hold it on the weight of a few seconds. Useful just lift legs alternately, whilst at the same source position.
The specifics of massage in gonarthrosis
A useful addition to therapeutic tactics serving massage of the knee in osteoarthritis. Even experienced experts believe that massage is absolutely necessary in the treatment of this disease. If you do massage of the knee in osteoarthritis in home conditions, you should stick to certain rules. Before the start of the massage is to be well warmed up knee. For this purpose you can make a pleasant bath helena to hold the knee under a warm shower, but to abuse the procedure is not necessary. For the effectiveness of massage it is necessary to carry it out every day, spending 10-15 minutes in one session. Massage in gonarthrosis included three basic techniques: stroking, kneading and friction. Movement repeat 3-6 times. If you have pain in one knee, massage and healthy limb.
Medical procedures gonarthrosis from leading experts
The problem of effective treatment of gonarthrosis are many scientists and doctors. Some of them have already achieved significant results in the fight against the dangerous disease. In our country deserves special attention to the methodology of the dr. Bubnovsky and physician-rheumatologist Evdokimenko.

Method Bubnovsky
Doctor of medical sciences, With. M. Bubnovsky, developed a unique healing complex, who gave up drugs and rapid intervention. The starting point is his way of becoming the fact that during the gonarthrosis is happening reduces the formation of synovial fluid. When you melt away fat, joint stops working properly. Tactics of treatment according to the Bubnovsky requires the use of physiotherapy and kinesitherapy. The choice of exercises and treatments is carried out individually, the doctor focuses on the health status of the patient and degree of the disease. By examining the x-rays, the doctor, the network treatment plan. In the low physical condition of the patient are assigned to a light workout. Over time, are becoming more complex, and performance is regularly, the patient can expect the following results:
- the normalization of food cartilage and bone tissue;
- the disappearance of the pain;
- improving the cellular structure of the cartilage;
- complete recovery of motor function of the knee joint.
In addition, dr. Bubnovsky gives further guidance. Expert advises to the sick gonarthrosis actively swim, go on courses, therapeutic massage, visit the sauna. To alleviate the pain of the syndrome can take a contrast shower, helena put on a sick knee cold compress.
Method Evdokimenko
At the doctor-rheumatologist Evdokimenko its approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. In his technique uses two components: medication and physiotherapy.
When gonarthrosis Evdokimenko used a number of drugs, among which include:
- non-steroidal agents, cleaning of the painful and inflammation;
- intra-articular injections, which are able to quickly stop the discomfort occurring in the joint of pathological processes;
- chondroprotectors, at the expense of the working parts, which is recovering the cartilage of the fabric;
- pain medications, gels, ointments and creams;
- tiles.
To strengthen the action of drugs and the comprehensive action on the lesion Evdokimenko offers to perform physiotherapy, indulge in therapeutic gymnastics and use the techniques of manual therapy. If you follow the method Evdokimenko, and begin treatment at an early stage, it is possible to completely stop the process for 1 year. In the 2 stage of the disease take a few years to hang to normal and give him back his natural mobility. Technique Evdokimenko is not used in the treatment of 3 degree of gonarthrosis. The doctor is not without reason says that at this stage the patient is shown a surgical procedure. In a number of specific recommendations from Evdokimenko included tip to follow a diet and to balance your diet, improve metabolism and help the tissues of the cartilage and joint to receive all the useful elements.
How to choose the right food in gonarthrosis?
The task of the patient with excess weight and create your diet to foods with a low caloric and a rich set of useful substances. The sharp rejection of the food by starvation helps you lose weight quickly, but it's the same creates a stress situation for the organism, and may worsen the situation.

Estimated daily menus in gonarthrosis may look as follows:
- Breakfast. Oatmeal on the water (without salt and sugar), 1 boiled egg and a glass of fruit juice.
- The second breakfast. 1 cup low-fat yogurt (natural).
- Lunch. Steamed vegetables with a slice of meat helena fish lean varieties. Unsweetened tea.
- Afternoon snack. Cheese casserole. A handful of nuts and 1 cup of fruit juice.
- Dinner. Salad of vegetables, an apple, unsweetened tea.
- The second dinner. 1 cup 1% helena low-fat yogurt.
Meal rely on usually for you to mode, but this intake should be not later than 19 hours.
Prevention of arthrosis
Osteoarthritis – it is difficult and dangerous disease, which can help change your life for the worse. Treatment of the disease takes much time, requires patience of the patient and certain restrictions in habits and nutrition. If you want to, you never are faced with similar problems, take care of my knees from a young age